Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

Live. Post. Repeat.

People are complex and yet so predictable. Either way, that’s no excuse for you to miss out on the chance to meet new faces in new or familiar settings. Taking time daily to re-center your thoughts takes focus and intention. However, make time for new experiences. Fight the feeling of mental fatigue.

Friendships can be tricky to navigate. People are complex and yet so predictable. Either way, that’s no excuse for you to miss out on the chance to meet new faces in new or familiar settings. Let’s face it, if your still quoting, ‘no new friends’ chances are it’s time to make some new friends. Form some new harmonious bonds with people that wish you well with the best of intentions. Although it’s an easy concept to follow, it’s going to take effort.

Taking time daily to re-center your thoughts takes focus and intention. However, make time for new experiences. Fight the feeling of mental fatigue. If you need more rest, it’s okay. Allow your soul to rejuvenate. Regardless of your daily routine, be more intentional with your time. The responsibilities of work and life present continuous cycles of how to juggle the unknown, foreseen, and items of overwhelm. So, it’s probable that after a long work week, the thought of taking on a new experience can feel crushing. Take it slow.

Stray away from obsessive ideas and exhausting self-talk regarding your ever growing to-do-list of milestone achievements (stemming from your career motivations, family obligations, and lifestyle goals). Take the edge off of life. Give yourself a break and relax with your contacts. Being available for the right opportunities requires patience and an open mind. Allow yourself to network in social settings. Give people a chance to surprise and inspire your senses with their unique energy. Sometimes, it’s not about who you know or what you know. It’s about showing up, being present in the moment, and having authentic conversations. Be seen and be heard by taking a deep breath and engaging with the space filled with people around you. Finding the right community of supportive collogues and friends takes time.

In an era of me first, I’m next, and other narcistic antidots it’s important to realize that life is more enjoyable when shared with others. Interactions with others should relieve anxiety and stress. People are not perfect so allow grace for all the cringe worthy social chats that maybe unintentionally awkward. It will pass. Just don’t abandon the process. Remember to make eye contact and listen with intent. Create a rolodex of thought provoking, smile worthy moments with as many people as possible.

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